At Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center, we offer individual, crisis and periodic group counseling to create space where individuals can be hopeful about recovery and safely face the challenges that come with growth and healing. Whether the abuse was recent or long ago, therapy helps survivors regain a sense empowerment in their lives.
The effects of trauma may be life altering. Survivor’s perceptions of themselves and the world around them may shift and many will experience physical and emotional challenges in the aftermath. Trauma focused therapy may be an integral part in the healing process for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Our counselors and therapists use a variety of evidenced based treatments to provide an optimal space for healing and growth. These include:
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
- Accelerated Resolution Therapy
- Brain Spotting
- Dialectic Behavior Therapy
All counseling services are provided at no cost to the survivor. Call today if you would like to inquire further or schedule an appointment with a counselor.
We provide a healing environment to help people recover from domestic violence and sexual assault. We offer individual counseling services to adults who have been abused or assaulted recently and to adults who were abused as children. We offer a safe place for clients to tell their stories, express their emotions and process their experiences.

There is nothing that can mentally prepare anyone for the physical and mental outcomes of intimate partner violence or a sexual assault. Abusive relationships are notoriously difficult for an abused person to leave and even once they do many people struggle with depression, anxiety, stress or general emotional distress. Many people even experience PTSD following domestic violence or a sexual assault.
Counseling can play an invaluable role in helping people overcome an abusive situation. Having counseling services readily available can make people in abusive relationships feel more confident about leaving an abusive partner or make a sexual assault victim feel more confident in coming forward.