Court Advocacy

If you are seeking a legal Order of Protection (stay away order) due to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking we may be able to help. The legal process can be scary and confusing, but we have specialized court advocates to be there with you through the entire process. Additionally, we have an attorney on staff who works diligently and meticulously to ensure that every client’s voice is heard in the court of law.
To learn more about what a legal Order of Protection is and how it may help keep you or a loved one safe, please contact a Court Advocate at (615) 896-7377.
What Makes Us Different
The Court Advocacy Department of the Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center is unique to Tennessee in that we have advocates and a staff attorney who represents all of our victims for Orders of Protection through the court process. There are often several court appearances to finalize the Order of Protection. Our advocates assist in preparing the Petition (application) and then requesting an Order of Protection to be filed in the appropriate court. When the Judge receives the Petition for an order, he/she will make final judgement on granting the order or not. Our job is to assist you in getting control of your lives, whatever that looks like for you. We know that every situation is unique and we will work to provide the best outcome for each individual or family. Our Advocates will make changes to the order as you desire and will also assist with filing violations if the abuser makes any contact with the petitioner during the duration of the Order.

Orders of Protection
The Court Advocacy Department assists clients with the legal aspects of protecting victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. Primarily our specialized Court Advocates assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking with Orders of Protection. Orders of Protection are a “stay away/no contact order” issued by the Court. They are civil in nature but have the potential to become criminal matters when the Respondent (abuser) violates the order. Orders of Protection are intended to stop imminent acts of violence between parties with some type of intimate relationship. These relationships can include spouses or partners both current and past, immediate family members and legal in-law relationship, roommates both past and present and dating relationship both past and present. There are exceptions to the relationship rule when it comes to stalking and sexual assault. Those events do not require a relationship.
If you are able to obtain a legal Order of Protection it will prohibit the abuser from engaging in any direct contact (face to face/ in person), phone calls, text messages, emails, third party messaging, and social media. During the Order of Protection process, the advocates assist you with extensive safety planning for yourself and your family members. We continue to work with you to ensure that you know how to remain safe and what to do in the event the Abuser/Respondent violates the Order of Protection by contacting you.